Street Department

The City of Mountain Grove Street Department maintains 43 miles of asphalt paved streets throughout the City. They also maintain approximately 85 miles of ditch line by cleaning them out once a year.
NOTE: ALL Property owners are responsible for mowing all ditch lines that abut their property, please look under our Code of Ordinances to see these regulations.
There is NO BURNING allowed on the streets, when this is done it breaks down the asphalt and then creates a pot hole.
City Code prohibits the dispensing trash, grass or any other substances on any street located within the City Limits. Please help us keep our town looking beautiful!
For all other regulations pertaining to the streets, please see the City Code of Ordinances. Link is located at the bottom of the page.
The Street Department is prepared for this Winter’s weather, all equipment is up running and ready for any ice or snow that heads our way! We run 24 hour shifts when a large storm hits.
Our main objective is keeping all streets open so emergency personnel can move about town without issue during large storms.
Please report all pot holes to City Hall so that we can get them filled as soon as possible! You can also go to the “Contact Us” page to do the same!