Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3770
VFW Post 3770 is one of hundreds of local branches of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. The national organization was founded in 1899 by veterans of the Spanish-American War and has since grown to include veterans of all of America’s wars.
Mountain Grove Post 3770 was chartered in November of 1979 and currently has 153 members. Membership is open to veterans of World Wars I & II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, the current war on terrorism in Afghanistan & Iraq, duty in Kosovo and many other actions that have taken place around the globe.
Benefits of membership include:
- Service Officer access in VA Hospitals
- Subscription to the monthly VFW national magazine
- Subscription to the Quarterly VFW state newspaper
- Being part of an organization that is dedicated to helping veterans,
- their widows and children as well as the youth of our nation and our local communities.
- Free accidental death insurance and a multitude of other insurance programs & Healthcare savings programs.
- VFW Credit Union
Local Benefits Include:
- Breakfast preceding every monthly meeting at no charge.
- Quarterly newsletter
Things we do locally:
- Provide 2 $1000 scholarships to local students
- Provide Honor Guard for funerals upon request
- Provide Color guard to area parades upon request
- Sponsor Voice of Democracy and Youth Essay contests
- Provide donations for various worthwhile causes upon request
- Decorate veterans graves for Memorial Day
- Donate time and materials to area schools to promote patriotism, citizenship and safety.
- Hold Buddy Poppy drive annually to provide funds for veterans relief.
How to Join?
- Call 417-259-2320
Veterans of Foreign Wars
P.O. Box 382
Mtn Grove, Mo 65711
email: ijkelley@getgoin.net